Monday, February 25, 2013

Pig Dinner RSVP Form Ready!

Sigma Chapter's 2013 Pig Dinner is set for April 20, 2013:

Golf Outing:
Windy Knoll Golf Club
500 Roscommon Drive, Springfield, OH 45503 – 937.390.8898

Pig Dinner:

Sigma Chapter House, 20 West Ferncliff Place
1:30 pm – (Optional) Golf Tournament at Windy Knoll Golf Club
6:30 pm – Pig Dinner Fellowship Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar at Chapter House)
7:30 pm – Annual Norris Pig Dinner Banquet (Chapter House)
Keynote Speaker: TBA
Symposiarch (MC): Marcus Hitt (’05)

$35 – Pig Dinner: Graduate Brothers / Fathers
$100 – Golf Outing AND Pig Dinner (at $10 discount), $75 Golf Outing ONLY

CLICK HERE to access the registration/RSVP form!
Skip Buckley '80

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sig Fiji Newsletter Available Online!


The Fall / Winter 2012 Sig Fiji newsletter of the Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Wittenberg University is now available to view online!  Click here to view and download the latest issue!
Congratulations to 2012 Corresponding Secretary Nick Van Dyne '13 for completing his final newsletter issue -- great job, Nick!  And, thanks as always to Craig Olson '74 of Olfield Graphics for donating a portion of the design, printing, and mailing of the chapter's newsletters.  Nice work, Craig!
The hard copy of the newsletter was mailed earlier this week, so watch your mail.  The 2013 Pig Dinner invitation was also just mailed, so Sigma Graduate Brothers should receive that one, too.  (The Pig Dinner date is Saturday, April 20th.  Page 8 of the newsletter includes the invitation, too.)  If you ARE NOT receiving mail from us, then PLEASE send in your current mailing address to
Skip Buckley '80

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Original Sigma Charter Recovered!

Sigma Chapter's original charter from 1884 has been preserved in a safe deposit box in a Springfield bank for over six decades.  (Not sure where it was kept before then.)  We recently learned that the bank in downtown Springfield (now PNC Bank) will soon close that location, and we were advised to get our contents.
On Friday, February 1, 2013, Greg Gernetzge '15, Chapter Treasurer, and Skip Buckley '80, Sig Fiji Alumni Association Secretary, removed the contents and took possession of the original charter!  We brought it back to the chapter house at 20 West Ferncliff Place, and shared it with the Sigma Brothers.  Copied above are photos of various Brothers displaying the original charter at the chapter house.  One Brother commented, "This is the oldest historical document that I've ever touched -- 129 years old.  Almost as old as the Emancipation Proclamation."
We now plan to send the original charter to our International Fraternity headquarters office in Lexington, Kentucky, where it will be preserved in a fire-proof, water-proof safe.  We hope to get a new replica of the original charter to display in the chapter house.
It was a pretty cool moment in our chapter's history to secure the original charter, and to share it with today's Sigma's Brothers.


Skip Buckley '80
