Sigma Brothers:
The Fall/Winter issue of The Sig Fiji newsletter was mailed in early December -- did you receive it? If not, it may mean we don't have your mailing address! We rely upon our International Fraternity Headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky to compile our best address lists (including e-mail), so PLEASE send your updates to -- include your name, class year at Wittenberg, and new contact information.
The NEW Corresponding Secretary for Sigma Chapter, and NEW Sig Fiji newsletter editor, Cody McKim '11, is looking for article ideas for the next issue. Here's his message to you:
I hope that this post finds everyone having a wonderful holiday season and enjoying time off with their friends and loved ones. I wanted to make this entry because as the new Corresponding Secretary, I would like to utilize this tool more often for graduate brother ideas and to continue brother to brother communication. The next issue of the SigFiji is scheduled for printing around March 1st and I think this is an ideal opportunity to hear graduate brother ideas for this next issue. This will be a great way for active brothers like myself to connect and hear about influential stories of brothers outside of 20 West Ferncliff Place. Please feel free to email me at with any article ideas or any questions pertaining to the next issue of the SigFiji! Thanks and have a great day!
Cody McKim '11
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pig Dinner: Saturday, April 17, 2010

SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, April 17, 2010!
Sigma Chapter's annual Norris Pig Dinner returns to the Sigma Chapter House at 20 West Ferncliff this coming year. After last year's successful 125th anniversary, we're looking for a smaller but dedicated group of Graduate Brothers to return to campus for a great weekend of Fiji Brotherhood!
Check back to this Blog for updates over the coming weeks and months!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Graduate Brothers,
Pig Dinner,
sigma chapter
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Web 2.0 and Sigma of Phi Gamma Delta -- Social Media for Sig Fijis

Although Sigma's Founding Fathers from 1884 might be shocked, our Phi Gamma Delta Chapter at Wittenberg University has fully embraced the Internet Era of interactive communication, social media, and electronic Brotherhood and networking. Although I think we'd all prefer face-to-face, Brother-to-Brother, interaction, as we so successfully achieved for our 125th anniversary in April 2009 with nearly 200 Brothers returning to West Ferncliff, we also know and recognize that "not for college days alone" is NOT restricted to in-person meetings!
1. SigFijiNet: We began this e-mail means of communication in the late 1990's! (Seriously, my first e-mail messages to Sig Fijis date back to 1998.) We use this e-mail forum to communicate news about Sigma Chapter throughout the year. If you are NOT on the e-mail list, please send me your name and e-mail address, and I'll add you to the distribution list. Send to
2. Web Site: The Undergraduate Brothers first began their own web site in the early 2000's, and it's taken on variations over the years. The success often depends upon the talents, dedication, and commitment of whomever the Chapter selects as the Webmaster, and the Chapter's current web site is located at this address:
It's not always updated, but it's a nice site with real potential.
3. SFAA Blog: You're HERE! So, you already know about our efforts to maintain timely updates for Sigma Chapter's Graduate Brothers. However, in case you're collecting URLs, here's the Blog web site address:
4. LinkedIn Group: New! New! New! Thanks to past Sigma Chapter President Sam Morris (Sigma 1991), Sigma Chapter has a new Group on LinkedIn! There are only 10 of us in the group right now, but YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN! You first need to join LinkedIn, of course, but just search "Groups" for "Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta". Here's the exact URL:
Please join us, eh?
5. Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter: Sigma Chapter does NOT YET have a formal presence on these social-media sites, but I assume it will only be a short time until we do. (For me, personally, I'm on Facebook and YouTube, but I've withheld joining Twitter and MySpace.)
So, as Phi Gamma Delta evolves, so does Sigma Chapter as it begins its 126th year of existence. Our Sigma Founders began without a telephone in 1884, and we now find ourselves furthering Fiji Brotherhood via text messages and Facebook wall updates and LinkedIn contacts.
Who knew? But, who cares? As long as we're carrying on "not for college days alone" -- in person at the Pig Dinner or Homecoming, or via cell phones and smart phones and e-mail messages -- we're furthering Phi Gamma Delta's mission of lifelong friendships and an amazing Brotherhood that has endured through three different centuries.
Gud 4 us...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Brothers Dedicate a Summer Saturday to Restore House & Grounds
On Saturday, June 20th, 12 Undergraduate and Graduate Brothers returned to Sigma Chapter to clean up the outside and inside of the Chapter House at 20 West Ferncliff! I'd like to thank the following:
Alex Williams
Sam Stough
Joe Angle
Nate Dreyfuss
Kurt Meige
Jack Reynard
Dick Rice
Dan Riggle
Rob Blakey
Doc Prescott
Marcus Hitt
Skip Buckley
We trimmed bushes, de-weeded areas, cleaned up trash inside and outside, and cleaned the Tenement bathroom, Tenement hallway, and laundry room. The outside looked great! Doc met with the rep from the company to replace the front windows, and we’ll expect replacement of windows to begin in late August. Kurt Meige and his father took measurements for a new gutter on the front porch, and they install it this coming Sunday. Marcus single-handedly cleaned out the drain in the parking lot, so it won’t flood again anytime soon. Rob single-handedly removed countless weeds in the alley, so we’re in better stead with our neighbors.
Saturday, August 15th
We’ll open the House for Brothers to move in on Friday, August 14th, so our clean-up session on Saturday, August 15th will enable us to re-trim hedges/bushes, de-weed, and get the House and grounds looking great as Brothers and parents move in that weekend. Plus, we hope we’ll get a LOT of help from Undergraduate Brothers returning to campus that day. Personally, I also REALLY like that many of our Graduate Brothers will be on site to meet parents as they move their sons into the House – always a GREAT thing for them to meet our Sig Fiji Alumni.
So, ANY Graduate Brother is welcome to join us on Saturday, August 15th! We want to get the House & Grounds looking GREAT for our returning Undergraduate Brothers and parents, AND for any prospective Rushees and parents who may be on campus that weekend.
Join us if you can, and check back to the Blog for updates, okay?
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Alex Williams
Sam Stough
Joe Angle
Nate Dreyfuss
Kurt Meige
Jack Reynard
Dick Rice
Dan Riggle
Rob Blakey
Doc Prescott
Marcus Hitt
Skip Buckley
We trimmed bushes, de-weeded areas, cleaned up trash inside and outside, and cleaned the Tenement bathroom, Tenement hallway, and laundry room. The outside looked great! Doc met with the rep from the company to replace the front windows, and we’ll expect replacement of windows to begin in late August. Kurt Meige and his father took measurements for a new gutter on the front porch, and they install it this coming Sunday. Marcus single-handedly cleaned out the drain in the parking lot, so it won’t flood again anytime soon. Rob single-handedly removed countless weeds in the alley, so we’re in better stead with our neighbors.
Saturday, August 15th
We’ll open the House for Brothers to move in on Friday, August 14th, so our clean-up session on Saturday, August 15th will enable us to re-trim hedges/bushes, de-weed, and get the House and grounds looking great as Brothers and parents move in that weekend. Plus, we hope we’ll get a LOT of help from Undergraduate Brothers returning to campus that day. Personally, I also REALLY like that many of our Graduate Brothers will be on site to meet parents as they move their sons into the House – always a GREAT thing for them to meet our Sig Fiji Alumni.
So, ANY Graduate Brother is welcome to join us on Saturday, August 15th! We want to get the House & Grounds looking GREAT for our returning Undergraduate Brothers and parents, AND for any prospective Rushees and parents who may be on campus that weekend.
Join us if you can, and check back to the Blog for updates, okay?
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Chapter House,
Graduate Brothers,
Sig Fiji,
sigma chapter
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sigma Graduate Brothers Honor Bob Arthur (Sigma '60) With Donations to the Fiji Theater Project
Bob Arthur (Sigma '60) recently passed away, and nine of his fellow Sigma Brothers rallied together to honor Bob with donations to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association. They designated their checks, totaling $375, to the new project to install a state-of-the-art TV system in the Chapter House to foster and facilitate Brotherhood in the Chapter. This new project will also help with Rush in the Fall and Winter.
THANKS to the following Sigma Graduate Brothers for honoring Bob Arthur in this way:
Jack Neal 1959
Philip Stanley 1959
Bruce Barkley 1960
Helmer Anderson 1960
Roy Bolenbaugh 1960
Jim Huntington 1960
Wayne Rhodes 1960
Herb Brantlinger 1961
Noel Hupp 1962
This is an important project for Sigma Chapter, and we thank these Graduate Brothers for honoring Bob in a way that will ensure his legacy at Phi Gamma Delta continues.
If any Graduate Brother would like to donate to this project in Bob's name, or otherwise, please send a check made payable to "Sig Fiji Alumni Association" to: Skip Buckley, SFAA Secretary, 114 Center Road, Streamwood, IL 60107.
Thanks to these nine Graduate Brothers for honoring Bob in such a last way!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
THANKS to the following Sigma Graduate Brothers for honoring Bob Arthur in this way:
Jack Neal 1959
Philip Stanley 1959
Bruce Barkley 1960
Helmer Anderson 1960
Roy Bolenbaugh 1960
Jim Huntington 1960
Wayne Rhodes 1960
Herb Brantlinger 1961
Noel Hupp 1962
This is an important project for Sigma Chapter, and we thank these Graduate Brothers for honoring Bob in a way that will ensure his legacy at Phi Gamma Delta continues.
If any Graduate Brother would like to donate to this project in Bob's name, or otherwise, please send a check made payable to "Sig Fiji Alumni Association" to: Skip Buckley, SFAA Secretary, 114 Center Road, Streamwood, IL 60107.
Thanks to these nine Graduate Brothers for honoring Bob in such a last way!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sigma's 125th Anniversary - Group Photo

Okay, so it's a little hard to see, but here's a GROUP PHOTO of those of us who assembled for the "official" photo on April 18, 2009, for the 125th anniversary celebration of Sigma Chapter's founding at Wittenberg University! Nearly 200 Brothers came back that weekend, and we had about 170 on site for the Pig Dinner, but it looks like only about 100 of us made this group photo.
Who can you identify? What classes?
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Who can you identify? What classes?
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Monday, June 8, 2009
Article on 125th Anniversary for the Phi Gamma Delta Magazine
Brothers, Joe Angle (Sigma '11), Chapter Historian, recently prepared an article on Sigma's 125th anniversary celebration that will be included in the Phi Gamma Delta magazine's next issue, this fall. It will include the group photo of everyone in front of the house (I don't have it to post!). But, since Joe did such a nice job with the article (restricted by the magazine's space limitations), I thought I would include it below. Well done, Joe!
Sigma Chapter was founded on October 25th, 1884. This was a time before the invention of the radio or the airplane and long before the World Wars or the Great Depression ever occurred. It is hard to imagine that the weekend of April 17th-19th Sigma Chapter would celebrate its 125th Anniversary.
Friday the 17th hit the weekend off with an all day open house which concluded with a gathering of roughly 30 graduates at Casey’s restaurant in Springfield that evening. Saturday similarly began with a luncheon and an open house where brothers young and old reminisced about their times in the chapter house. A group photo was taken of the roughly 105 brothers in attendance that afternoon at the front of 20 West Ferncliff Place. In preparation for the picture it was amazing to see how the teasing and badgering continues no matter the age.
Later in the evening after the group photo, it was time for Sigma’s annual Norris Pig Dinner. Wittenberg’s Pam Evans Arena was the location for the dinner. As 170 brothers began gathering in the arena, the majesty of Sigma Chapter became readily apparent with every brother dressed like a true Fiji gentleman. Gil Belles ‘62 was the Symposiarch for the evening and was accompanied by some distinguished guests such as the President of Wittenberg University Dr. Mark Erickson and his wife Lin Erickson, the keynote speaker for the evening Eugene “Buddy” Cote (Maine ‘81), 125th Anniversary chairman Dave “Doc” Prescott ’77 and Don Hauck ’56 who recited “An Exile’s Toast.”
The class of 1974 had the largest turnout with 13 members attending. The oldest brother in attendance was Dick Binnig ’50 and the youngest being the newly initiated class of 2012 which provided for a 62 year span between the oldest and youngest brothers in attendance. Greg Sponseller (Class of 2010) received the Harry G. Gram Award which goes to the chapter’s overall most outstanding undergraduate brother while 27 brothers received recognition for exemplary academic performance for brothers with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Sigma Chapter boasts an amazing involved undergraduate chapter whose campus involvement is superior to most other organizations on Wittenberg’s campus. With brothers taking the lead as Wittenberg’s Student Senate Vice President and IFC President, brothers in every men’s varsity sport except football and golf and a cumulative GPA above the all-men’s average – it is hard to deny the excellence of this chapter. In his speech Purple Legionnaire Marcus Hitt ’05 made the point that the ability of Sigma Chapter – as well as the international fraternity – to evolve and take on new challenges is what has allowed Sigma to bleed excellence on Wittenberg’s campus for 125 years.
On the Sunday after the Pig Dinner, Sigma Chapter hosted its 3rd Annual Golf Outing for a Cure which is the largest Greek fundraiser at Wittenberg. The approximately $1,800 in revenue went directly to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Mitchell A. Callahan Autism Foundation.
In reflection of the weekend, the true secret behind Sigma’s 125 year existence was revealed – its graduates. It is because of the guidance and support of Sigma’s graduates that the chapter is allowed to press on and continue with the tradition of excellence this chapter has enjoyed for 125 glorious years.
Joseph Angle ‘11
Saturday, May 2, 2009
125th Anniversary Pig Dinner a MAJOR Success!

2nd above: The Undergraduate Chapter presented a special engraving of the House to Sigma's Graduate Brothers. Left, James Hunter (Wittenberg '09) presents the engraving to Dave "Doc" Prescott (Wittenberg '77), president of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association.
Top, above: Wittenberg President Mark Erickson offered comments at the Pig Dinner, recognizing Sigma Chapter's longstanding Greek leadership role on campus.
125th Anniversary,
Pig Dinner,
Sig Fiji,
sigma chapter
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
FINAL COUNT for Saturday's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner
Okay, so here's the FINAL list I'll post prior to this weekend's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner Celebration in Springfield. If anyone NOT on the list below would still like to attend, PLEASE send me an e-mail message at -- I'll review e-mail messages right up to Saturday afternoon. Anyone new and not on the list below can pay $60 at the door.
We have 108 pre-registered! When we add in about 60 Undergraduate Brothers and some parents not listed below, we're approaching 170! Doc Prescott (Sigma '77) has reserved 180 seats, so we should be okay.
This should be a GREAT weekend, Brothers! Thanks to everyone who has pre-registered. JUST A REMINDER: Remember, the Sigma Chapter House and Grounds are alcohol-free, so please DO NOT bring alcohol on to the property!
Thanks, everyone. Remember, the asterisk (*) below indicates that Brother also donated at least $100 to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association (SFAA). I'll post a complete update after the Pig Dinner of ALL 2009 donors.
The list...
Dick Binnig 1950
Paul Riehm 1951
Ted Budach* 1956
Donald Hauck 1956
Jock Arthur 1958
Richard Ross 1958
Dick Rice* 1960
Richard Keier* 1961
Jack Reynard 1961
Gil Belles* 1962
Kenneth Block 1962
David Rees 1962
G. David K. Hopper* 1963
Paul Lingle* 1963
David Moeller 1963
David Meyer 1964
Bill Steinbrink* 1964
Dave Baines* 1969
David Lundgren 1969
David Miller 1969
David Vlasak 1969
Austin Adams* 1970
Paul Liesem 1971
Richard Fowler* 1973
Patrick Hilliard 1973
Kevin Hopper 1973
Devin McConnell* 1973
Charley Geiger 1974
John Halley 1974
Craig Hunt 1974
David Johnson 1974
John Lavery 1974
Tom Metcalf 1974
Jeff Neupauer 1974
Gary Sattler 1974
Jeffrey Smith 1974
Jim Tear 1974
Peter Welsh 1974
Robert Basile 1975
Jeff Ebsary 1975
John Hamilton 1975
James McCluskey 1975
Daniel Riggle* 1975
Robert Weible 1975
Brian Critchell 1976
Dave Honlod 1976
John Tafaro 1976
Todd Werstler 1976
Peter Woessner* 1976
Carl Coburn* 1977
William Diehm 1977
David Miles 1977
Douglas Myser 1977
David Prescott 1977
Greg Sponseller* 1977
Pat Secaur 1978
Kent Shaw 1978
Allan Beebe 1979
Dave Davies* 1979
Gordon Geiger 1979
Scott McCune 1979
Matt Warye 1979
Jim Wintzer 1979
Chris Wittoesch 1979
Roger Brown 1980
Skip Buckley** 1980
Terry Myser 1980
John Kramer* 1981
Scott Seipel 1981
Ric Simon 1981
Kirby Thompson 1981
John Gork 1984
Robert Blakey 1985
Mike Redinger 1986
John Bourne* 1988
Todd Gailar 1996
Edward Hendry* 2002
Cole Christensen 2003
Chris Farris 2003
Shawn Martin 2003
Kyle Bacon 2005
Lee Harrington 2005
Philip Heyde 2005
Marcus Hitt 2005
Matt Prescott 2005
Chris Vennefron* 2005
Cory Windle 2006
Jesse Hitt 2007
Jay Shimko 2007
Stefan Diehm 2008
Mike Keough 2011
Dennis Bambach
Tim Christian
Deborah Colburn
Pat Jansen
Jack Jansen
Drew Keough
Kathy Keough
Pat Lingle*
Kevin McGraw
Jim Meige
Pam Meige
Mary Miles
Beth Myser
Nancy Prescott
Sid Richardson
Jack George Schmidt
Mark Winders
Safe travels to Wittenberg!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
We have 108 pre-registered! When we add in about 60 Undergraduate Brothers and some parents not listed below, we're approaching 170! Doc Prescott (Sigma '77) has reserved 180 seats, so we should be okay.
This should be a GREAT weekend, Brothers! Thanks to everyone who has pre-registered. JUST A REMINDER: Remember, the Sigma Chapter House and Grounds are alcohol-free, so please DO NOT bring alcohol on to the property!
Thanks, everyone. Remember, the asterisk (*) below indicates that Brother also donated at least $100 to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association (SFAA). I'll post a complete update after the Pig Dinner of ALL 2009 donors.
The list...
Dick Binnig 1950
Paul Riehm 1951
Ted Budach* 1956
Donald Hauck 1956
Jock Arthur 1958
Richard Ross 1958
Dick Rice* 1960
Richard Keier* 1961
Jack Reynard 1961
Gil Belles* 1962
Kenneth Block 1962
David Rees 1962
G. David K. Hopper* 1963
Paul Lingle* 1963
David Moeller 1963
David Meyer 1964
Bill Steinbrink* 1964
Dave Baines* 1969
David Lundgren 1969
David Miller 1969
David Vlasak 1969
Austin Adams* 1970
Paul Liesem 1971
Richard Fowler* 1973
Patrick Hilliard 1973
Kevin Hopper 1973
Devin McConnell* 1973
Charley Geiger 1974
John Halley 1974
Craig Hunt 1974
David Johnson 1974
John Lavery 1974
Tom Metcalf 1974
Jeff Neupauer 1974
Gary Sattler 1974
Jeffrey Smith 1974
Jim Tear 1974
Peter Welsh 1974
Robert Basile 1975
Jeff Ebsary 1975
John Hamilton 1975
James McCluskey 1975
Daniel Riggle* 1975
Robert Weible 1975
Brian Critchell 1976
Dave Honlod 1976
John Tafaro 1976
Todd Werstler 1976
Peter Woessner* 1976
Carl Coburn* 1977
William Diehm 1977
David Miles 1977
Douglas Myser 1977
David Prescott 1977
Greg Sponseller* 1977
Pat Secaur 1978
Kent Shaw 1978
Allan Beebe 1979
Dave Davies* 1979
Gordon Geiger 1979
Scott McCune 1979
Matt Warye 1979
Jim Wintzer 1979
Chris Wittoesch 1979
Roger Brown 1980
Skip Buckley** 1980
Terry Myser 1980
John Kramer* 1981
Scott Seipel 1981
Ric Simon 1981
Kirby Thompson 1981
John Gork 1984
Robert Blakey 1985
Mike Redinger 1986
John Bourne* 1988
Todd Gailar 1996
Edward Hendry* 2002
Cole Christensen 2003
Chris Farris 2003
Shawn Martin 2003
Kyle Bacon 2005
Lee Harrington 2005
Philip Heyde 2005
Marcus Hitt 2005
Matt Prescott 2005
Chris Vennefron* 2005
Cory Windle 2006
Jesse Hitt 2007
Jay Shimko 2007
Stefan Diehm 2008
Mike Keough 2011
Dennis Bambach
Tim Christian
Deborah Colburn
Pat Jansen
Jack Jansen
Drew Keough
Kathy Keough
Pat Lingle*
Kevin McGraw
Jim Meige
Pam Meige
Mary Miles
Beth Myser
Nancy Prescott
Sid Richardson
Jack George Schmidt
Mark Winders
Safe travels to Wittenberg!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Monday, April 13, 2009
UPDATED List of Pre-registered Attendees for 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner on Saturday!
The registrations keep coming in! I've added over 20 since my last post of a few days ago, so please check the list below to see who's coming and who's NOT. Write those Brothers NOT on the list and encourage them to attend, okay? We have 101 on the list! Adding to that about 60 or more Undergraduate Brothers and parents not listed below, we should have over 160 in attendance -- that's great!
Anyone who would still like to attend this weekend's festivities can pay the $60 on site, but PLEASE have them write me an e-mail message so we know to add them to our count -- my e-mail address is
Here are the top classses by number of Graduate Brothers returning:
1974 - 10
1975 - 6
1977 - 6
1979 - 6
2005 - 6
1976 - 5
1969 - 4
1973 - 4
1981 - 4
Be sure to let me know of any errors or omissions. Here's the list:
Dick Binnig 1950
Paul Riehm 1951
Ted Budach* 1956
Donald Hauck 1956
Jock Arthur 1958
Richard Ross 1958
Dick Rice* 1960
Richard Keier* 1961
Jack Reynard 1961
Gil Belles* 1962
Kenneth Block 1962
David Rees 1962
G. David K. Hopper* 1963
Paul Lingle* 1963
David Moeller 1963
David Meyer 1964
Bill Steinbrink* 1964
Dave Baines* 1969
David Lundgren 1969
David Miller 1969
David Vlasak 1969
Austin Adams* 1970
Paul Liesem 1971
Richard Fowler* 1973
Patrick Hilliard 1973
Kevin Hopper 1973
Devin McConnell* 1973
Charley Geiger 1974
John Halley 1974
Craig Hunt 1974
David Johnson 1974
John Lavery 1974
Tom Metcalf 1974
Jeff Neupauer 1974
Jeffrey Smith 1974
Jim Tear 1974
Peter Welsh 1974
Robert Basile 1975
Jeff Ebsary 1975
John Hamilton 1975
James McCluskey 1975
Daniel Riggle* 1975
Robert Weible 1975
Brian Critchell 1976
Dave Honlod 1976
John Tafaro 1976
Todd Werstler 1976
Peter Woessner 1976
Carl Coburn* 1977
William Diehm 1977
David Miles 1977
Douglas Myser 1977
David Prescott 1977
Greg Sponseller* 1977
Pat Secaur 1978
Dave Davies* 1979
Gordon Geiger 1979
Scott McCune 1979
Kent Shaw 1979
Matt Warye 1979
Chris Wittoesch 1979
Roger Brown 1980
Skip Buckley** 1980
Terry Myser 1980
John Kramer* 1981
Scott Seipel 1981
Ric Simon 1981
Kirby Thompson 1981
John Gork 1984
Robert Blakey 1985
Mike Redinger 1986
John Bourne* 1988
Todd Gailar 1996
Edward Hendry* 2002
Cole Christensen 2003
Chris Farris 2003
Shawn Martin 2003
Kyle Bacon 2005
Lee Harrington 2005
Philip Heyde 2005
Marcus Hitt 2005
Matt Prescott 2005
Chris Vennefron* 2005
Cory Windle 2006
Stefan Diehm 2008
Mike Keough 2011
Dennis Bambach
Tim Christian
Deborah Colburn
Pat Jansen
Jack Jansen
Drew Keough
Kathy Keough
Pat Lingle*
Kevin McGraw
Jim Meige
Pam Meige
Mary Miles
Beth Myser
Nancy Prescott
Mark Winders
Note: Includes some parents (welcome!) And, remember, the asterisk (*) means that Brother donated at least $100 to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association. THANK YOU!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Anyone who would still like to attend this weekend's festivities can pay the $60 on site, but PLEASE have them write me an e-mail message so we know to add them to our count -- my e-mail address is
Here are the top classses by number of Graduate Brothers returning:
1974 - 10
1975 - 6
1977 - 6
1979 - 6
2005 - 6
1976 - 5
1969 - 4
1973 - 4
1981 - 4
Be sure to let me know of any errors or omissions. Here's the list:
Dick Binnig 1950
Paul Riehm 1951
Ted Budach* 1956
Donald Hauck 1956
Jock Arthur 1958
Richard Ross 1958
Dick Rice* 1960
Richard Keier* 1961
Jack Reynard 1961
Gil Belles* 1962
Kenneth Block 1962
David Rees 1962
G. David K. Hopper* 1963
Paul Lingle* 1963
David Moeller 1963
David Meyer 1964
Bill Steinbrink* 1964
Dave Baines* 1969
David Lundgren 1969
David Miller 1969
David Vlasak 1969
Austin Adams* 1970
Paul Liesem 1971
Richard Fowler* 1973
Patrick Hilliard 1973
Kevin Hopper 1973
Devin McConnell* 1973
Charley Geiger 1974
John Halley 1974
Craig Hunt 1974
David Johnson 1974
John Lavery 1974
Tom Metcalf 1974
Jeff Neupauer 1974
Jeffrey Smith 1974
Jim Tear 1974
Peter Welsh 1974
Robert Basile 1975
Jeff Ebsary 1975
John Hamilton 1975
James McCluskey 1975
Daniel Riggle* 1975
Robert Weible 1975
Brian Critchell 1976
Dave Honlod 1976
John Tafaro 1976
Todd Werstler 1976
Peter Woessner 1976
Carl Coburn* 1977
William Diehm 1977
David Miles 1977
Douglas Myser 1977
David Prescott 1977
Greg Sponseller* 1977
Pat Secaur 1978
Dave Davies* 1979
Gordon Geiger 1979
Scott McCune 1979
Kent Shaw 1979
Matt Warye 1979
Chris Wittoesch 1979
Roger Brown 1980
Skip Buckley** 1980
Terry Myser 1980
John Kramer* 1981
Scott Seipel 1981
Ric Simon 1981
Kirby Thompson 1981
John Gork 1984
Robert Blakey 1985
Mike Redinger 1986
John Bourne* 1988
Todd Gailar 1996
Edward Hendry* 2002
Cole Christensen 2003
Chris Farris 2003
Shawn Martin 2003
Kyle Bacon 2005
Lee Harrington 2005
Philip Heyde 2005
Marcus Hitt 2005
Matt Prescott 2005
Chris Vennefron* 2005
Cory Windle 2006
Stefan Diehm 2008
Mike Keough 2011
Dennis Bambach
Tim Christian
Deborah Colburn
Pat Jansen
Jack Jansen
Drew Keough
Kathy Keough
Pat Lingle*
Kevin McGraw
Jim Meige
Pam Meige
Mary Miles
Beth Myser
Nancy Prescott
Mark Winders
Note: Includes some parents (welcome!) And, remember, the asterisk (*) means that Brother donated at least $100 to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association. THANK YOU!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
125th Anniversary,
Graduate Brothers,
Pig Dinner,
Sig Fiji,
sigma chapter
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner is JUST DAYS AWAY! Are YOU Registered?
Our 2009 Pig Dinner, celebrating Phi Gamma Delta's 125 years on Wittenberg's campus, is just DAYS AWAY! Everything is set for a wonderful weekend on April 17 - 19, 2009.
Copied below is the complete list of those who have pre-registered as of April 10th. I count 85 Graduate Brothers and guests. Assuming the chapter delivers at least 48 or so, that's at least 133! Actually, I expect more to come in between now and next weekend, so I think we'll top 150. This will be the SECOND LARGEST GATHERING of Sig Fijis in 125 years! (The 100th anniversary in 1984 drew about 400 Brothers and guests.)
There is still time to register! At this point, just send me an e-mail message ( and you can pay the $60 at the door, okay? We need an accurate count, so PLEASE pre-register.
So, look over the list below. If your name is NOT on it and you plan to attend, please write me ASAP. See who's coming -- see who's NOT, and contact Brothers from your years in the chapter house and encourage them to join us.
Here's the list...
Dick Binnig 1950
Paul Riehm 1951
Ted Budach* 1956
Donald Hauck 1956
Ted Marty 1957
Jock Arthur 1958
Richard Ross 1958
Jon Joyce 1959
Dick Rice* 1960
Richard Keier* 1961
Jack Reynard 1961
Gil Belles* 1962
Kenneth Block 1962
David Rees 1962
G. David K. Hopper* 1963
Paul Lingle* 1963
David Moeller 1963
David Meyer 1964
Bill Steinbrink* 1964
Dave Baines* 1969
David Lundgren 1969
David Miller 1969
Robert Rohrbaugh 1969
Richard Fowler* 1973
Kevin Hopper 1973
Devin McConnell* 1973
Charley Geiger 1974
John Halley 1974
Craig Hunt 1974
David Johnson 1974
John Lavery 1974
Tom Metcalf 1974
Jeff Neupauer 1974
Jeffrey Smith 1974
Jim Tear 1974
Peter Welsh 1974
Robert Basile 1975
Jeff Ebsary 1975
John Hamilton 1975
James McCluskey 1975
Daniel Riggle* 1975
Robert Weible 1975
Brian Critchell 1976
Dave Honlod 1976
John Tafaro 1976
Todd Werstler 1976
Carl Coburn* 1977
William Diehm 1977
David Miles 1977
Douglas Myser 1977
David Prescott 1977
Greg Sponseller* 1977
Scott McCune 1979
Matt Warye 1979
Roger Brown 1980
Skip Buckley** 1980
Terry Myser 1980
John Kramer* 1981
Scott Seipel 1981
Ric Simon 1981
Kirby Thompson 1981
John Gork 1984
Robert Blakey 1985
Mike Redinger 1986
John Bourne* 1988
Todd Gailar 1996
Edward Hendry* 2002
Chris Farris 2003
Kyle Bacon 2005
Lee Harrington 2005
Philip Heyde 2005
Marcus Hitt 2005
Matt Prescott 2005
Chris Vennefron* 2005
Cory Windle 2006
Stefan Diehm 2008
Mike Keough 2011
Tim Christian
Deborah Colburn
Pat Jansen
Jack Jansen
Drew Keough
Kathy Keough
Pat Lingle
Kevin McGraw
Mary Miles
Beth Myser
Nancy Prescott
Mark Winders
(Note: The asterisk [*] by some names indicates they also donated at least $100 to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association in 2009, and a double-asterisk [**] indicates a donation of $500 or more. I will post a complete list of ALL SFAA donors in a few days, and we'll have a list posted at the chapter house during Pig Dinner weekend.)
Don't forget, here's the schedule for the weekend:
Friday, April 17th
6:00 pm - Informal get-together at Casey’s (formerly Yannucci’s, 2205 Park Rd., Springfield)
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Saturday, April 18th
10:00 am - Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees(All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
12:00 pm - Buffet Luncheon – Chapter House
6:00 pm - Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
7:00 pm - 125th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Sunday, April 19th
12:00 pm - Third Annual “Fiji Event for a Cure” Charity Golf Tournament
REMINDER: The Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta is an alcohol-free chapter house, which means that NO alcohol may be brought onto the chapter house or grounds. PLEASE comply with this rule and support our Undergraduate Brothers' compliance! (Thank you!)
Join us!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Copied below is the complete list of those who have pre-registered as of April 10th. I count 85 Graduate Brothers and guests. Assuming the chapter delivers at least 48 or so, that's at least 133! Actually, I expect more to come in between now and next weekend, so I think we'll top 150. This will be the SECOND LARGEST GATHERING of Sig Fijis in 125 years! (The 100th anniversary in 1984 drew about 400 Brothers and guests.)
There is still time to register! At this point, just send me an e-mail message ( and you can pay the $60 at the door, okay? We need an accurate count, so PLEASE pre-register.
So, look over the list below. If your name is NOT on it and you plan to attend, please write me ASAP. See who's coming -- see who's NOT, and contact Brothers from your years in the chapter house and encourage them to join us.
Here's the list...
Dick Binnig 1950
Paul Riehm 1951
Ted Budach* 1956
Donald Hauck 1956
Ted Marty 1957
Jock Arthur 1958
Richard Ross 1958
Jon Joyce 1959
Dick Rice* 1960
Richard Keier* 1961
Jack Reynard 1961
Gil Belles* 1962
Kenneth Block 1962
David Rees 1962
G. David K. Hopper* 1963
Paul Lingle* 1963
David Moeller 1963
David Meyer 1964
Bill Steinbrink* 1964
Dave Baines* 1969
David Lundgren 1969
David Miller 1969
Robert Rohrbaugh 1969
Richard Fowler* 1973
Kevin Hopper 1973
Devin McConnell* 1973
Charley Geiger 1974
John Halley 1974
Craig Hunt 1974
David Johnson 1974
John Lavery 1974
Tom Metcalf 1974
Jeff Neupauer 1974
Jeffrey Smith 1974
Jim Tear 1974
Peter Welsh 1974
Robert Basile 1975
Jeff Ebsary 1975
John Hamilton 1975
James McCluskey 1975
Daniel Riggle* 1975
Robert Weible 1975
Brian Critchell 1976
Dave Honlod 1976
John Tafaro 1976
Todd Werstler 1976
Carl Coburn* 1977
William Diehm 1977
David Miles 1977
Douglas Myser 1977
David Prescott 1977
Greg Sponseller* 1977
Scott McCune 1979
Matt Warye 1979
Roger Brown 1980
Skip Buckley** 1980
Terry Myser 1980
John Kramer* 1981
Scott Seipel 1981
Ric Simon 1981
Kirby Thompson 1981
John Gork 1984
Robert Blakey 1985
Mike Redinger 1986
John Bourne* 1988
Todd Gailar 1996
Edward Hendry* 2002
Chris Farris 2003
Kyle Bacon 2005
Lee Harrington 2005
Philip Heyde 2005
Marcus Hitt 2005
Matt Prescott 2005
Chris Vennefron* 2005
Cory Windle 2006
Stefan Diehm 2008
Mike Keough 2011
Tim Christian
Deborah Colburn
Pat Jansen
Jack Jansen
Drew Keough
Kathy Keough
Pat Lingle
Kevin McGraw
Mary Miles
Beth Myser
Nancy Prescott
Mark Winders
(Note: The asterisk [*] by some names indicates they also donated at least $100 to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association in 2009, and a double-asterisk [**] indicates a donation of $500 or more. I will post a complete list of ALL SFAA donors in a few days, and we'll have a list posted at the chapter house during Pig Dinner weekend.)
Don't forget, here's the schedule for the weekend:
Friday, April 17th
6:00 pm - Informal get-together at Casey’s (formerly Yannucci’s, 2205 Park Rd., Springfield)
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Saturday, April 18th
10:00 am - Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees(All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
12:00 pm - Buffet Luncheon – Chapter House
6:00 pm - Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
7:00 pm - 125th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Sunday, April 19th
12:00 pm - Third Annual “Fiji Event for a Cure” Charity Golf Tournament
REMINDER: The Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta is an alcohol-free chapter house, which means that NO alcohol may be brought onto the chapter house or grounds. PLEASE comply with this rule and support our Undergraduate Brothers' compliance! (Thank you!)
Join us!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
125th Anniversary,
Graduate Brothers,
Pig Dinner,
Sig Fiji,
sigma chapter
Thursday, March 26, 2009
25th Anniversary of J.R. Gork's Sketch of 20 West Ferncliff

For those of you "regular" readers of this Blog -- okay, both of you! -- you'll notice a NEW image to the left! I replaced the photo that was there with J.R. Gork's famous sketch, and included it above.
As we prepare to celebrate Sigma Chapter's 125th anniversary on the campus of Wittenberg University on April 17 - 19, 2009, we also should recognize the contributions of the LAST 25 years. I am currently writing the history of Sigma Chapter from 1984 - 2009, and I plan to have the review available by the Pig Dinner on April 18th.
Graduate Brother J.R. Gork (Sigma '84) is a skilled artist who currently works for Northwestern Mutual. When he was a senior in 1984 and living in the chapter house, during Sigma's 100th anniversary, he sketched the Fiji House at 20 West Ferncliff. You see it above.
For the last 25 years, JR has donated reprints of his famous sketch to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association, and we have handed them out every year since then to every graduating Sigma senior Brother at the Pig Dinner. By now, hundreds have been given JR's sketch, and I assume nearly all of them -- like me -- have that beautiful sketch framed and hanging in our house or apartment.
Sigma Chapter has been blessed with scores of talented artists over the years, but JR's sketch has gained infamy. His legacy at Sigma Chapter will long be remembered, as will his drawing that reminds all of us who lived there of the times we spent as Sig Fijis.
JR will be attending the 125th Anniversary this April. So, if you will be there, find JR and personally thank him for his lasting contribution, okay? He's pretty humble about what he's done, but I know he'll appreciate your thanks.
Skip Buckley '80
Graduate Brother J.R. Gork (Sigma '84) is a skilled artist who currently works for Northwestern Mutual. When he was a senior in 1984 and living in the chapter house, during Sigma's 100th anniversary, he sketched the Fiji House at 20 West Ferncliff. You see it above.
For the last 25 years, JR has donated reprints of his famous sketch to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association, and we have handed them out every year since then to every graduating Sigma senior Brother at the Pig Dinner. By now, hundreds have been given JR's sketch, and I assume nearly all of them -- like me -- have that beautiful sketch framed and hanging in our house or apartment.
Sigma Chapter has been blessed with scores of talented artists over the years, but JR's sketch has gained infamy. His legacy at Sigma Chapter will long be remembered, as will his drawing that reminds all of us who lived there of the times we spent as Sig Fijis.
JR will be attending the 125th Anniversary this April. So, if you will be there, find JR and personally thank him for his lasting contribution, okay? He's pretty humble about what he's done, but I know he'll appreciate your thanks.
Skip Buckley '80
125th Anniversary,
Chapter House,
sigma chapter
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Lot of "Buzz" About Sigma's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner on April 18th
Wow, there's certainly a lot of "buzz" going around for Sigma Chapter's 125th anniversary Pig Dinner celebration on April 17 -19, 2009!
As the respository for many of the e-mail messages and exchanges, I've been privvy to a LOT of stuff! I've heard from Sigma Graduate Brothers from (way) years' past, many of whom have not replied to my letters in years! We should have a good showing at our Pig Dinner this year.
HAVE **YOU** REPLIED AND SENT IN YOUR RSVP FORM? Every Sigma Graduate Brother by now should have received two invitations, so please use one of them to reply and RSVP for the 125th anniversary. If by chance you didn't receive one, please send me an e-mail message to and I will send you a form (PDF file) to complete and return in the mail.
We're expecting the largest gathering of Sig Fijis since the 100th anniversary in 1984! Please be a part of this historic event, and be sure to pre-register, okay?
Can't make it this year? Then, please consider returning your RSVP form with a donation to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association -- we'd appreciate it! We have a SPECIAL option this year: $125 for the 125th anniversary! I've had a few Brothers already elect this option, and I plan to join them.
Thanks, Brothers -- I look forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks!
Skip Buckley '80
As the respository for many of the e-mail messages and exchanges, I've been privvy to a LOT of stuff! I've heard from Sigma Graduate Brothers from (way) years' past, many of whom have not replied to my letters in years! We should have a good showing at our Pig Dinner this year.
HAVE **YOU** REPLIED AND SENT IN YOUR RSVP FORM? Every Sigma Graduate Brother by now should have received two invitations, so please use one of them to reply and RSVP for the 125th anniversary. If by chance you didn't receive one, please send me an e-mail message to and I will send you a form (PDF file) to complete and return in the mail.
We're expecting the largest gathering of Sig Fijis since the 100th anniversary in 1984! Please be a part of this historic event, and be sure to pre-register, okay?
Can't make it this year? Then, please consider returning your RSVP form with a donation to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association -- we'd appreciate it! We have a SPECIAL option this year: $125 for the 125th anniversary! I've had a few Brothers already elect this option, and I plan to join them.
Thanks, Brothers -- I look forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks!
Skip Buckley '80
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sigma Chapter..."And The Rest of the Story"
Remember Paul Harvey? (No, he wasn't a Fiji.) He died last week, after a 50-year-plus career on the radio.
Among Paul Harvey's signature commentaries was his regular "And the rest of the story..." anecdotes. He would begin by citing some well-known fact about someone or some thing, and then give some entertaining, riveting little-known background passage that enlightened the listener.
Recently, I received the following excerpt from an e-mail message from Sigma Graduate Brother Lowell Hedlund (1978): "Skip, your kind words and pleasant memories are what I treasure most about PGD... Proud to be a Fiji!"
And now, the rest of the story...
I wrote this to Lowell the night before: "Honestly, although I’ve been a member of PGD for over 30 years, it’s still really hard NOT to see your name and think of you up at the Treasurer’s Desk in the House! I’ve worked with over 30 chapter treasurers during that time, but I (swear) I can still see you up at the desk. Night after night… You were a wonderful role model for me when I was an undergraduate, and I only have fond memories of the key role you played in Sigma Chapter in the late 1970’s."
Lowell and his fellow Brothers were an important reason why I pledged Sigma Chapter back in 1977. They were impressive, studied hard (Lowell was pre-law, which is what I wanted to do), and were leaders in the chapter and on campus. They seemed different from the other fraternity men I met in the other houses at Wittenberg. They had class...
As we approach our 125th anniversary Pig Dinner celebration in a few weeks, I find myself recalling historical anecdotes from my 32-year affiliation with the Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Wittenberg. Not just of the 3-1/2 years I spent in Springfield as a Fiji, but of the literally thousands of Sigma Brothers I've met and come to know as an advisor since I graduated in 1980. Impressive young men, dedicated and ambitious, and with one distinction from the others -- they had class.
125 years' of Sigma Chapter is impressive, but I'm intrigued by what lies ahead for our fraternity's future. It's the next 125 years -- "the rest of the story" -- that drives my passion to do everything we can to ensure that tomorrow's Sig Fijis have the same opportunities we had to grow, learn, develop, and mature under Phi Gamma Delta's guidance and principles.
Paul Harvey would have been impressed with Sigma Chapter, and its storied and classy history. I know I am...
Skip Buckley '80
Among Paul Harvey's signature commentaries was his regular "And the rest of the story..." anecdotes. He would begin by citing some well-known fact about someone or some thing, and then give some entertaining, riveting little-known background passage that enlightened the listener.
Recently, I received the following excerpt from an e-mail message from Sigma Graduate Brother Lowell Hedlund (1978): "Skip, your kind words and pleasant memories are what I treasure most about PGD... Proud to be a Fiji!"
And now, the rest of the story...
I wrote this to Lowell the night before: "Honestly, although I’ve been a member of PGD for over 30 years, it’s still really hard NOT to see your name and think of you up at the Treasurer’s Desk in the House! I’ve worked with over 30 chapter treasurers during that time, but I (swear) I can still see you up at the desk. Night after night… You were a wonderful role model for me when I was an undergraduate, and I only have fond memories of the key role you played in Sigma Chapter in the late 1970’s."
Lowell and his fellow Brothers were an important reason why I pledged Sigma Chapter back in 1977. They were impressive, studied hard (Lowell was pre-law, which is what I wanted to do), and were leaders in the chapter and on campus. They seemed different from the other fraternity men I met in the other houses at Wittenberg. They had class...
As we approach our 125th anniversary Pig Dinner celebration in a few weeks, I find myself recalling historical anecdotes from my 32-year affiliation with the Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Wittenberg. Not just of the 3-1/2 years I spent in Springfield as a Fiji, but of the literally thousands of Sigma Brothers I've met and come to know as an advisor since I graduated in 1980. Impressive young men, dedicated and ambitious, and with one distinction from the others -- they had class.
125 years' of Sigma Chapter is impressive, but I'm intrigued by what lies ahead for our fraternity's future. It's the next 125 years -- "the rest of the story" -- that drives my passion to do everything we can to ensure that tomorrow's Sig Fijis have the same opportunities we had to grow, learn, develop, and mature under Phi Gamma Delta's guidance and principles.
Paul Harvey would have been impressed with Sigma Chapter, and its storied and classy history. I know I am...
Skip Buckley '80
125th Anniversary,
Sig Fiji,
sigma chapter
Friday, March 6, 2009
Register for Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner Weekend on April 17 - 19, 2009!
Sigma Brothers:
If not by now, you will soon receive your formal invitation to attend the festivities of Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner over the weekend of April 17 - 19, 2009. In fact, you should receive TWO separate invitations!
Here's a brief re-cap of the weekend's activities:
Friday, April 17th:
6:00 pm - Informal get-together at Casey’s (formerly Yannucci’s, 2205 Park Rd., Springfield)
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Saturday, April 18th
10:00 am - Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees
(All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
12:00 pm - Buffet Luncheon – Chapter House
6:00 pm - Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
7:00 pm - 125th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Sunday, April 19th
12:00 pm - Third Annual “Fiji Event for a Cure” Charity Golf Tournament
(Separate registration required -- see invitation -- $100/Brother)
The registration fee for the 125th Pig Dinner is $60/Brother ($50 if you register by March 31st). The easiest way to register is to mail back your completed RSVP form with your payment. Some of you may be looking for an online option to pay, but we DON'T have that set up, yet! We've looked into PayPal as an available online payment option, but we don't have it ready.
So, to register, please send your completed form to:
Skip Buckley
Sig Fiji Alumni Association Secretary
114 Center Road
Streamwood, IL 60107
Please make checks payable to "Sig Fiji Alumni Association".
IF YOU NEED ANOTHER COPY OF THE INVITATION, please e-mail me a message at and I'll e-mail you a PDF version you can print out and mail.
Thanks, Brothers! Please alert other Sigma Brothers you know to this Blog!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
If not by now, you will soon receive your formal invitation to attend the festivities of Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner over the weekend of April 17 - 19, 2009. In fact, you should receive TWO separate invitations!
Here's a brief re-cap of the weekend's activities:
Friday, April 17th:
6:00 pm - Informal get-together at Casey’s (formerly Yannucci’s, 2205 Park Rd., Springfield)
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Saturday, April 18th
10:00 am - Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees
(All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
12:00 pm - Buffet Luncheon – Chapter House
6:00 pm - Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
7:00 pm - 125th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!
Sunday, April 19th
12:00 pm - Third Annual “Fiji Event for a Cure” Charity Golf Tournament
(Separate registration required -- see invitation -- $100/Brother)
The registration fee for the 125th Pig Dinner is $60/Brother ($50 if you register by March 31st). The easiest way to register is to mail back your completed RSVP form with your payment. Some of you may be looking for an online option to pay, but we DON'T have that set up, yet! We've looked into PayPal as an available online payment option, but we don't have it ready.
So, to register, please send your completed form to:
Skip Buckley
Sig Fiji Alumni Association Secretary
114 Center Road
Streamwood, IL 60107
Please make checks payable to "Sig Fiji Alumni Association".
IF YOU NEED ANOTHER COPY OF THE INVITATION, please e-mail me a message at and I'll e-mail you a PDF version you can print out and mail.
Thanks, Brothers! Please alert other Sigma Brothers you know to this Blog!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sigma Chapter Priorities: Why We Exist
Look, I have no idea if anyone else ever views this Blog. I assume it's just me and a handful of Sigma Brothers who check back every now and then. I don't subscribe to any Web Analytics to see who reads this stuff...
Tonight, though, I sent a lengthy e-mail to an unnamed Sigma Graduate Brother who wrote noting that the House was messy when he last visited 20 West Ferncliff in 1993. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote in reply:
"I've been one of the principal alumni advisors for Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg since I graduated in 1980. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on the chapter, and dedicated thousands and thousands of hours. For example, I live in Chicago, but I'm driving down to Wittenberg this weekend for the third out of the last four weekends....just to do fraternity work. No one reimburses me for anything. I do it -- as I have for nearly 30 years -- because I strive to help the Undergraduate Brothers gain from their Fiji experience much the same way as you (I assume) and I did. Mile after mile, hour after hour, year after year. I'm not asking for your sympathy or appreciation; I just want you to know.
So, I grow tired of hearing Sigma Graduate Brothers complain that the chapter house was messy the one time they stopped by in 25 years. And, for that, they won't donate money to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association? Sigh... I don't get it. I probably never will.
Sure, the chapter house was probably messy when you stopped by nearly 16 years ago. So what? It's probably messy tonight, were you to stop by. It was messy when I lived there in the late 1970's. Yes, yes, yes...we try to instill respect for the House all of the time, and we "get on them" every now and then for stuff lying around. They try, and it works for awhile, and they always get it clean before the Graduate Brothers return. Frankly, I recall doing the same when I was there. Jeez, they're 19-to-22-year-olds...
We've spent about $20,000 to $25,000 annually for the last 20 years keeping the house up to code and in good repair. That house is old, and the repair work we do is NOT due to the Undergraduates damaging it -- stuff needs replacing, like old gutters, roof tiles, rotted pipes, inefficient windows, etc. We've re-carpeted hallways, bought new furniture, installed Internet access, painted everything, and always, always, spend whatever money is necessary for fire, health, and safety issues.
Look, I care less about how disheveled the House may have looked for you and your son 16 years ago. I'm sorry it looked that way. I care far more about the lifelong friendships these guys develop as Fijis, the sense of Brotherhood they feel, their scholarship commitment, the leadership skills they learn, the philanthropy lessons they exhibit, and, most of all, the maturity and growth they experience while in college primarily due to their membership in Phi Gamma Delta. I'd trade a messy chapter house any day for the lifelong lessons we facilitate for them.
So, wait if you wish -- I'm pretty confident the House will look its absolute best on April 17-19, 2009. I sense that you'll be impressed. But we need regular, consistent donations from Sigma's Graduate Brothers, or else we cannot maintain the foundational upkeep of a 100-year-old facility. Or else we cannot ensure an environment best suited to teaching the lessons Phi Gamma Delta has to offer.
Honestly, should you choose to come back a few days after the 125th Pig Dinner to inspect, it will probably be messy, again. I could care less...
Just take some time while you're there to meet these kids, ask them about what it means to them to be a Fiji, and listen. Listen closely to how the fraternity has changed their lives, gave purpose to their time at Wittenberg, enabled lifelong friendships, and how Sigma Chapter has made a difference in who they are, what they stand for, and what they'll become in life. Phi Gamma Delta did that. Messy house notwithstanding..."
-- Skip Buckley '80
Tonight, though, I sent a lengthy e-mail to an unnamed Sigma Graduate Brother who wrote noting that the House was messy when he last visited 20 West Ferncliff in 1993. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote in reply:
"I've been one of the principal alumni advisors for Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg since I graduated in 1980. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on the chapter, and dedicated thousands and thousands of hours. For example, I live in Chicago, but I'm driving down to Wittenberg this weekend for the third out of the last four weekends....just to do fraternity work. No one reimburses me for anything. I do it -- as I have for nearly 30 years -- because I strive to help the Undergraduate Brothers gain from their Fiji experience much the same way as you (I assume) and I did. Mile after mile, hour after hour, year after year. I'm not asking for your sympathy or appreciation; I just want you to know.
So, I grow tired of hearing Sigma Graduate Brothers complain that the chapter house was messy the one time they stopped by in 25 years. And, for that, they won't donate money to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association? Sigh... I don't get it. I probably never will.
Sure, the chapter house was probably messy when you stopped by nearly 16 years ago. So what? It's probably messy tonight, were you to stop by. It was messy when I lived there in the late 1970's. Yes, yes, yes...we try to instill respect for the House all of the time, and we "get on them" every now and then for stuff lying around. They try, and it works for awhile, and they always get it clean before the Graduate Brothers return. Frankly, I recall doing the same when I was there. Jeez, they're 19-to-22-year-olds...
We've spent about $20,000 to $25,000 annually for the last 20 years keeping the house up to code and in good repair. That house is old, and the repair work we do is NOT due to the Undergraduates damaging it -- stuff needs replacing, like old gutters, roof tiles, rotted pipes, inefficient windows, etc. We've re-carpeted hallways, bought new furniture, installed Internet access, painted everything, and always, always, spend whatever money is necessary for fire, health, and safety issues.
Look, I care less about how disheveled the House may have looked for you and your son 16 years ago. I'm sorry it looked that way. I care far more about the lifelong friendships these guys develop as Fijis, the sense of Brotherhood they feel, their scholarship commitment, the leadership skills they learn, the philanthropy lessons they exhibit, and, most of all, the maturity and growth they experience while in college primarily due to their membership in Phi Gamma Delta. I'd trade a messy chapter house any day for the lifelong lessons we facilitate for them.
So, wait if you wish -- I'm pretty confident the House will look its absolute best on April 17-19, 2009. I sense that you'll be impressed. But we need regular, consistent donations from Sigma's Graduate Brothers, or else we cannot maintain the foundational upkeep of a 100-year-old facility. Or else we cannot ensure an environment best suited to teaching the lessons Phi Gamma Delta has to offer.
Honestly, should you choose to come back a few days after the 125th Pig Dinner to inspect, it will probably be messy, again. I could care less...
Just take some time while you're there to meet these kids, ask them about what it means to them to be a Fiji, and listen. Listen closely to how the fraternity has changed their lives, gave purpose to their time at Wittenberg, enabled lifelong friendships, and how Sigma Chapter has made a difference in who they are, what they stand for, and what they'll become in life. Phi Gamma Delta did that. Messy house notwithstanding..."
-- Skip Buckley '80
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sigma Chapter Historian Joe Angle Prepares for the 125th Anniversary Celebration!

Here is a post from Joe Angle (Sigma '11), current Sigma Chapter Historian:
My name is Joe Angle and I am Sigma Chapter's newest Historian. My blog is the first in a series which will contain blogs from each of Sigma Chapter's new cabinet members expressing our experience thus far as executive members of Sigma Chapter. I must say I am very excited to be a part of this chapter's cabinet after my initiation last spring. This has been a great opportunity for me to get strongly involved in Phi Gamma Delta and make the most of my undergraduate experience at Sigma Chapter.
Since my installation in December, I have already experienced a wide variety of challenges ranging from risk management violations to preparing the house to look its best for the Sigma's upcoming 125th Anniversary. One thing I immediately realized was that the actual "duties" of my position are by no means the hardest part of the job but rather the managerial duties and increased responsibility have claimed much more of my time and attention. As the chapter Historian, my position does not require as much from me on a daily basis unlike that of the chapter President. I have taken it upon myself to fill this void in several ways. Basically, I look to see where something could be changed or improved in hopes of making Sigma Chapter better that it was when I joined. For example, one of the first things I did, though very miniscule, was to create name labels for the mailboxes which solved the problem of mail just being thrown on the tables in the back lounge. Another way in which I had hoped to better the fraternity was to seek out a philanthropy event for the American Red Cross. This idea came about when active brother and chapter Treasurer Nate Dreyfuss informed me of the international fraternity's designation of the Red Cross as Phi Gamma Delta's international philanthropy. I met with Springfield's Red Cross branch manager Mike Larson and asked him what we could do to benefit the organization. He explained to me that there was a dodge ball tournament already set up to occur on Wittenberg's campus which even involved the Springfield community. He referred me to Wittenberg's Greek Life director Casey Stevens for more information. With her approval and the generous support of the brothers in the house, we are now a co-sponsor of this event which is to be held at the end of March. Not only will this benefit the Red Cross by hopefully raising over $1000 in philanthropy donations but it also represents Fiji well in both the Wittenberg community as well as the Springfield community. The most current and expansive challenge I have undertaken is leading and overseeing house improvements for the 125th Anniversary. With the help of our newly created "house improvement committee" and several of the graduate brothers, I am attempting to make 20 West look its best for this benchmark date. Broken doors must be fixed, walls need to be painted and re-plastered, the carpets need to be cleaned and much more. With my acceptance of this duty, it is safe to say that I have found myself leading in ways that stray far from the documented duties of the chapter Historian but I believe initiative like this is exactly what Sigma Chapter needs to prosper and survive for another 125 years.
Overall, my experience as a chapter officer has instilled much pride into me and I look forward to what the rest of my term has to offer but most importantly I am always looking for what I can offer the brothers of this chapter whether it be through physical service, advice or valuable connections. This is one of the most rewarding experiences in my life thus far and I am truly thankful to be allowed this opportunity. Proud.
You can reach Joe at
125th Anniversary,
sigma chapter
Friday, February 13, 2009
Remembering Sigma Chapter's 100th Anniversary!

Brothers, as we prepare to celebrate 125 years of Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg University, I thought it useful to include the photo above taken a few weeks before our 100th annivesary celebration in 1984!
Can anyone name those old guys? BONUS QUESTION: George Hopper (Sigma '32) is in this photo -- where is he?
Send your answers to Skip Buckley at I'll figure out a prize if anyone gets the answer(s) correct!
REMEMBER...our Sigma Chapter 125th anniversary celebration is at Wittenberg during the weekend of April 17-19, 2009! SAVE THE DATE!
Check back here for more details on how to register for the 125th Pig Dinner on April 18, 2009!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sigma Chapter Takes Eight Pledges!
CONGRATULATIONS to our Undergraduate Brothers from Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg University for taking 8 Pledges in Winter Rush!
Overall numbers were down for all of Wittenberg's fraternities, but we're proud of our Brothers for taking eight excellent men to continue Sigma's proud legacy at 20 West Ferncliff!
Remember...our 125th Annniversary Celebration is on April 17-19, 2009! Check back here for updates!
Skip Buckley '80
Overall numbers were down for all of Wittenberg's fraternities, but we're proud of our Brothers for taking eight excellent men to continue Sigma's proud legacy at 20 West Ferncliff!
Remember...our 125th Annniversary Celebration is on April 17-19, 2009! Check back here for updates!
Skip Buckley '80
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