Look, I have no idea if anyone else ever views this Blog. I assume it's just me and a handful of Sigma Brothers who check back every now and then. I don't subscribe to any Web Analytics to see who reads this stuff...
Tonight, though, I sent a lengthy e-mail to an unnamed Sigma Graduate Brother who wrote noting that the House was messy when he last visited 20 West Ferncliff in 1993. Here's an excerpt of what I wrote in reply:
"I've been one of the principal alumni advisors for Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg since I graduated in 1980. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on the chapter, and dedicated thousands and thousands of hours. For example, I live in Chicago, but I'm driving down to Wittenberg this weekend for the third out of the last four weekends....just to do fraternity work. No one reimburses me for anything. I do it -- as I have for nearly 30 years -- because I strive to help the Undergraduate Brothers gain from their Fiji experience much the same way as you (I assume) and I did. Mile after mile, hour after hour, year after year. I'm not asking for your sympathy or appreciation; I just want you to know.
So, I grow tired of hearing Sigma Graduate Brothers complain that the chapter house was messy the one time they stopped by in 25 years. And, for that, they won't donate money to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association? Sigh... I don't get it. I probably never will.
Sure, the chapter house was probably messy when you stopped by nearly 16 years ago. So what? It's probably messy tonight, were you to stop by. It was messy when I lived there in the late 1970's. Yes, yes, yes...we try to instill respect for the House all of the time, and we "get on them" every now and then for stuff lying around. They try, and it works for awhile, and they always get it clean before the Graduate Brothers return. Frankly, I recall doing the same when I was there. Jeez, they're 19-to-22-year-olds...
We've spent about $20,000 to $25,000 annually for the last 20 years keeping the house up to code and in good repair. That house is old, and the repair work we do is NOT due to the Undergraduates damaging it -- stuff needs replacing, like old gutters, roof tiles, rotted pipes, inefficient windows, etc. We've re-carpeted hallways, bought new furniture, installed Internet access, painted everything, and always, always, spend whatever money is necessary for fire, health, and safety issues.
Look, I care less about how disheveled the House may have looked for you and your son 16 years ago. I'm sorry it looked that way. I care far more about the lifelong friendships these guys develop as Fijis, the sense of Brotherhood they feel, their scholarship commitment, the leadership skills they learn, the philanthropy lessons they exhibit, and, most of all, the maturity and growth they experience while in college primarily due to their membership in Phi Gamma Delta. I'd trade a messy chapter house any day for the lifelong lessons we facilitate for them.
So, wait if you wish -- I'm pretty confident the House will look its absolute best on April 17-19, 2009. I sense that you'll be impressed. But we need regular, consistent donations from Sigma's Graduate Brothers, or else we cannot maintain the foundational upkeep of a 100-year-old facility. Or else we cannot ensure an environment best suited to teaching the lessons Phi Gamma Delta has to offer.
Honestly, should you choose to come back a few days after the 125th Pig Dinner to inspect, it will probably be messy, again. I could care less...
Just take some time while you're there to meet these kids, ask them about what it means to them to be a Fiji, and listen. Listen closely to how the fraternity has changed their lives, gave purpose to their time at Wittenberg, enabled lifelong friendships, and how Sigma Chapter has made a difference in who they are, what they stand for, and what they'll become in life. Phi Gamma Delta did that. Messy house notwithstanding..."
-- Skip Buckley '80
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sigma Chapter Historian Joe Angle Prepares for the 125th Anniversary Celebration!

Here is a post from Joe Angle (Sigma '11), current Sigma Chapter Historian:
My name is Joe Angle and I am Sigma Chapter's newest Historian. My blog is the first in a series which will contain blogs from each of Sigma Chapter's new cabinet members expressing our experience thus far as executive members of Sigma Chapter. I must say I am very excited to be a part of this chapter's cabinet after my initiation last spring. This has been a great opportunity for me to get strongly involved in Phi Gamma Delta and make the most of my undergraduate experience at Sigma Chapter.
Since my installation in December, I have already experienced a wide variety of challenges ranging from risk management violations to preparing the house to look its best for the Sigma's upcoming 125th Anniversary. One thing I immediately realized was that the actual "duties" of my position are by no means the hardest part of the job but rather the managerial duties and increased responsibility have claimed much more of my time and attention. As the chapter Historian, my position does not require as much from me on a daily basis unlike that of the chapter President. I have taken it upon myself to fill this void in several ways. Basically, I look to see where something could be changed or improved in hopes of making Sigma Chapter better that it was when I joined. For example, one of the first things I did, though very miniscule, was to create name labels for the mailboxes which solved the problem of mail just being thrown on the tables in the back lounge. Another way in which I had hoped to better the fraternity was to seek out a philanthropy event for the American Red Cross. This idea came about when active brother and chapter Treasurer Nate Dreyfuss informed me of the international fraternity's designation of the Red Cross as Phi Gamma Delta's international philanthropy. I met with Springfield's Red Cross branch manager Mike Larson and asked him what we could do to benefit the organization. He explained to me that there was a dodge ball tournament already set up to occur on Wittenberg's campus which even involved the Springfield community. He referred me to Wittenberg's Greek Life director Casey Stevens for more information. With her approval and the generous support of the brothers in the house, we are now a co-sponsor of this event which is to be held at the end of March. Not only will this benefit the Red Cross by hopefully raising over $1000 in philanthropy donations but it also represents Fiji well in both the Wittenberg community as well as the Springfield community. The most current and expansive challenge I have undertaken is leading and overseeing house improvements for the 125th Anniversary. With the help of our newly created "house improvement committee" and several of the graduate brothers, I am attempting to make 20 West look its best for this benchmark date. Broken doors must be fixed, walls need to be painted and re-plastered, the carpets need to be cleaned and much more. With my acceptance of this duty, it is safe to say that I have found myself leading in ways that stray far from the documented duties of the chapter Historian but I believe initiative like this is exactly what Sigma Chapter needs to prosper and survive for another 125 years.
Overall, my experience as a chapter officer has instilled much pride into me and I look forward to what the rest of my term has to offer but most importantly I am always looking for what I can offer the brothers of this chapter whether it be through physical service, advice or valuable connections. This is one of the most rewarding experiences in my life thus far and I am truly thankful to be allowed this opportunity. Proud.
You can reach Joe at s11.jangle@wittenberg.edu
125th Anniversary,
sigma chapter
Friday, February 13, 2009
Remembering Sigma Chapter's 100th Anniversary!

Brothers, as we prepare to celebrate 125 years of Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg University, I thought it useful to include the photo above taken a few weeks before our 100th annivesary celebration in 1984!
Can anyone name those old guys? BONUS QUESTION: George Hopper (Sigma '32) is in this photo -- where is he?
Send your answers to Skip Buckley at gabjr33@comcast.net. I'll figure out a prize if anyone gets the answer(s) correct!
REMEMBER...our Sigma Chapter 125th anniversary celebration is at Wittenberg during the weekend of April 17-19, 2009! SAVE THE DATE!
Check back here for more details on how to register for the 125th Pig Dinner on April 18, 2009!
Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sigma Chapter Takes Eight Pledges!
CONGRATULATIONS to our Undergraduate Brothers from Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg University for taking 8 Pledges in Winter Rush!
Overall numbers were down for all of Wittenberg's fraternities, but we're proud of our Brothers for taking eight excellent men to continue Sigma's proud legacy at 20 West Ferncliff!
Remember...our 125th Annniversary Celebration is on April 17-19, 2009! Check back here for updates!
Skip Buckley '80
Overall numbers were down for all of Wittenberg's fraternities, but we're proud of our Brothers for taking eight excellent men to continue Sigma's proud legacy at 20 West Ferncliff!
Remember...our 125th Annniversary Celebration is on April 17-19, 2009! Check back here for updates!
Skip Buckley '80
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