Thursday, March 26, 2009

25th Anniversary of J.R. Gork's Sketch of 20 West Ferncliff

For those of you "regular" readers of this Blog -- okay, both of you! -- you'll notice a NEW image to the left! I replaced the photo that was there with J.R. Gork's famous sketch, and included it above.

As we prepare to celebrate Sigma Chapter's 125th anniversary on the campus of Wittenberg University on April 17 - 19, 2009, we also should recognize the contributions of the LAST 25 years. I am currently writing the history of Sigma Chapter from 1984 - 2009, and I plan to have the review available by the Pig Dinner on April 18th.

Graduate Brother J.R. Gork (Sigma '84) is a skilled artist who currently works for Northwestern Mutual. When he was a senior in 1984 and living in the chapter house, during Sigma's 100th anniversary, he sketched the Fiji House at 20 West Ferncliff. You see it above.

For the last 25 years, JR has donated reprints of his famous sketch to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association, and we have handed them out every year since then to every graduating Sigma senior Brother at the Pig Dinner. By now, hundreds have been given JR's sketch, and I assume nearly all of them -- like me -- have that beautiful sketch framed and hanging in our house or apartment.

Sigma Chapter has been blessed with scores of talented artists over the years, but JR's sketch has gained infamy. His legacy at Sigma Chapter will long be remembered, as will his drawing that reminds all of us who lived there of the times we spent as Sig Fijis.

JR will be attending the 125th Anniversary this April. So, if you will be there, find JR and personally thank him for his lasting contribution, okay? He's pretty humble about what he's done, but I know he'll appreciate your thanks.


Skip Buckley '80

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Lot of "Buzz" About Sigma's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner on April 18th

Wow, there's certainly a lot of "buzz" going around for Sigma Chapter's 125th anniversary Pig Dinner celebration on April 17 -19, 2009!

As the respository for many of the e-mail messages and exchanges, I've been privvy to a LOT of stuff! I've heard from Sigma Graduate Brothers from (way) years' past, many of whom have not replied to my letters in years! We should have a good showing at our Pig Dinner this year.

HAVE **YOU** REPLIED AND SENT IN YOUR RSVP FORM? Every Sigma Graduate Brother by now should have received two invitations, so please use one of them to reply and RSVP for the 125th anniversary. If by chance you didn't receive one, please send me an e-mail message to and I will send you a form (PDF file) to complete and return in the mail.

We're expecting the largest gathering of Sig Fijis since the 100th anniversary in 1984! Please be a part of this historic event, and be sure to pre-register, okay?

Can't make it this year? Then, please consider returning your RSVP form with a donation to the Sig Fiji Alumni Association -- we'd appreciate it! We have a SPECIAL option this year: $125 for the 125th anniversary! I've had a few Brothers already elect this option, and I plan to join them.

Thanks, Brothers -- I look forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks!


Skip Buckley '80


Friday, March 13, 2009

Sigma Chapter..."And The Rest of the Story"

Remember Paul Harvey? (No, he wasn't a Fiji.) He died last week, after a 50-year-plus career on the radio.

Among Paul Harvey's signature commentaries was his regular "And the rest of the story..." anecdotes. He would begin by citing some well-known fact about someone or some thing, and then give some entertaining, riveting little-known background passage that enlightened the listener.

Recently, I received the following excerpt from an e-mail message from Sigma Graduate Brother Lowell Hedlund (1978): "Skip, your kind words and pleasant memories are what I treasure most about PGD... Proud to be a Fiji!"

And now, the rest of the story...

I wrote this to Lowell the night before: "Honestly, although I’ve been a member of PGD for over 30 years, it’s still really hard NOT to see your name and think of you up at the Treasurer’s Desk in the House! I’ve worked with over 30 chapter treasurers during that time, but I (swear) I can still see you up at the desk. Night after night… You were a wonderful role model for me when I was an undergraduate, and I only have fond memories of the key role you played in Sigma Chapter in the late 1970’s."

Lowell and his fellow Brothers were an important reason why I pledged Sigma Chapter back in 1977. They were impressive, studied hard (Lowell was pre-law, which is what I wanted to do), and were leaders in the chapter and on campus. They seemed different from the other fraternity men I met in the other houses at Wittenberg. They had class...

As we approach our 125th anniversary Pig Dinner celebration in a few weeks, I find myself recalling historical anecdotes from my 32-year affiliation with the Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Wittenberg. Not just of the 3-1/2 years I spent in Springfield as a Fiji, but of the literally thousands of Sigma Brothers I've met and come to know as an advisor since I graduated in 1980. Impressive young men, dedicated and ambitious, and with one distinction from the others -- they had class.

125 years' of Sigma Chapter is impressive, but I'm intrigued by what lies ahead for our fraternity's future. It's the next 125 years -- "the rest of the story" -- that drives my passion to do everything we can to ensure that tomorrow's Sig Fijis have the same opportunities we had to grow, learn, develop, and mature under Phi Gamma Delta's guidance and principles.

Paul Harvey would have been impressed with Sigma Chapter, and its storied and classy history. I know I am...


Skip Buckley '80

Friday, March 6, 2009

Register for Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner Weekend on April 17 - 19, 2009!

Sigma Brothers:

If not by now, you will soon receive your formal invitation to attend the festivities of Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner over the weekend of April 17 - 19, 2009. In fact, you should receive TWO separate invitations!

Here's a brief re-cap of the weekend's activities:

Friday, April 17th:
6:00 pm - Informal get-together at Casey’s (formerly Yannucci’s, 2205 Park Rd., Springfield)
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!

Saturday, April 18th
10:00 am - Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees
(All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
12:00 pm - Buffet Luncheon – Chapter House
6:00 pm - Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
7:00 pm - 125th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!

Sunday, April 19th
12:00 pm - Third Annual “Fiji Event for a Cure” Charity Golf Tournament
(Separate registration required -- see invitation -- $100/Brother)

The registration fee for the 125th Pig Dinner is $60/Brother ($50 if you register by March 31st). The easiest way to register is to mail back your completed RSVP form with your payment. Some of you may be looking for an online option to pay, but we DON'T have that set up, yet! We've looked into PayPal as an available online payment option, but we don't have it ready.

So, to register, please send your completed form to:

Skip Buckley
Sig Fiji Alumni Association Secretary
114 Center Road
Streamwood, IL 60107

Please make checks payable to "Sig Fiji Alumni Association".

IF YOU NEED ANOTHER COPY OF THE INVITATION, please e-mail me a message at and I'll e-mail you a PDF version you can print out and mail.

Thanks, Brothers! Please alert other Sigma Brothers you know to this Blog!


Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association
