Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sigma Chapter Hosts 400 People at Thanksgiving Dinner

Congratulations to our Undergraduate Brothers for successfully serving about 400 people at the chapter house on Monday, November 19th, at their annual Thanksgiving Dinner!  This annual event was expanded this year from inviting just Wittenberg students, faculty, and administrators, as the chapter made a concerted effort to invite residents of the greater Springfield community to enjoy a full, traditional Thanksgiving Dinner for just $5.00.  Students from Lincoln Elementary School in Springfield could attend for free.

Brothers from the chapter made presentations at Springfield-area churches in the days leading up to the event.  The net proceeds -- estimated to be at least $2,000 -- will be donated to the Springfield Promise Neighborhood, an area of the city under renovation serving economically-challenged families.

Sigma Chapter's new caterer, Campus Cooks, donated all of the turkeys, and their Chef, Josh, donated his considerable time preparing the meal.
This was a HUGE event for Sigma Chapter to pull off successfully.  CONGRATULATIONS, Brothers -- excellent job!


Skip Buckley '80


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Were you a Brother at Sigma Chapter in the 1970's? If so, then you're invited!

Sigma Brothers from the 1970's are INVITED to attend a cookout party by John Halley '74!  John is hosting an event:

Saturday, September 8, 2012
Cookout Party at John's cottage
In Bay View, Erie County on Sandusky Bay between Port Clinton and Sandusky
Wives, girlfriends, significant others...all invited!

Interested?  Then please contact John at:

Phone:  412.931.6000

Phi Gamma Delta is NOT for college days alone...especially at Sigma Chapter! Have fun, Brothers!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

In Memory of Brian Izzo

It is with deep regret that we report the death of Brian Izzo.  Marcus Hitt (Sigma '05) sent this note:

"Brian Izzo, a dear friend and brother, passed away on July 15, 2012. Brian pledged the Sigma Chapter in the spring of 2002. Brian, a fan of literature, read his Purple Pilgrim avidly. Yet, he was not what one would call the best pledge, but he grew into the role of being a great brother. His gift in life was enthusiasm - especially for the Fraternity. He continued his commitment to Phi Gam by helping with the colonization of a Delta colony at DePaul University in Chicago. 

He was a constant reminder in my life that Friendship is the Sweetest Influence. 

Proud, Marcus Hitt (2005)"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sigma Chapter's Spring Pledge Class of 2012

Welcome to the new initiated Brothers from the Spring 2012 Pledge Class!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sigma Chapter - Spring 2012

This was such a GREAT photo that I had to post it!  It was taken on Sunday, April 15, 2012, the day after the Pig Dinner & Golf Outing.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sigma Chapter Hosts Students from Lincoln Elementary School in Springfield

Congratulations to our Undergraduate Brothers of Sigma Chapter for hosting a group of students at the chapter house on Sunday, April 15, 2012, from Lincoln Elementary School in Springfield.  The school had been identified as an under-achieving school in the area, and our Brothers hosted the students to orient them to the values and benefits of striving for a college education. 

Community Service committee chair Ben Imlay '14 is captured above addressing the students.  Well done, Brothers!


Friday, April 6, 2012

There's Still Time to Register for Our Pig Dinner on Thursday, April 14th!

Sigma Chapter's Pig Dinner and Golf Outing is now ONE WEEK away! See the schedule below.  You can access the registration form at this link.

However, at this late date, PLEASE EMAIL ME at gabjr33@comcast.net if you plan to attend, as I need accurate numbers for the dinner and the golf.  You can pay one site, but please let me know.

We hope to see you on April 14th!


Skip Buckley '80


Monday, February 27, 2012

Sigma 2012 Pig Dinner and Golf Outing - Time to Register!

Here's the schedule for the 2012 Pig Dinner weekend:
    Friday, April 13th
                            All Day         Open House at the Chapter – Stop by the House for a Tour from Undergraduates!

Saturday, April 14th
                            9:30 am        Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees
                                                (All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
                          12:00 pm        Informal Buffet Luncheon (for non-golfers) – Chapter House – Free!
                          12:00 pm        (Optional) Lunch for Golfers at Windy Knoll Golf Club – Cash Order from Menu
                            1:30 pm        (Optional) Annual Golf Outing at Windy Knoll Golf Club – Shotgun Start!
                            6:30 pm        Pig Dinner Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: Windy Knoll Golf Club
                            7:30 pm        128th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: Windy Knoll Golf Club
                                                Keynote Speaker: Dr. Chris Duncan, Provost, Wittenberg University
                                                Symposiarch (MC): Marcus Hitt (’05)
                            All Day:        Open House at the Chapter – Stop by the House for a Tour from Undergraduates!

             Sunday, April 15th
                          12:00 pm        Open House at the Chapter – Stop by the House for a Tour from Undergraduates!
Please JOIN US!  All Sigma Graduate Brothers will be receiving an invitation in the mail, but here are the fees:

$35 - Pig Dinner ONLY (a bargain!)
$100 - Golf Outing AND Pig Dinner (discounted by $10)
$75 - Golf Outing ONLY

To RSVP, wait for your invitation in the mail or email me at gabjr33@comcast.net and I'll send you a PDF invitation.

Hope you can join us!

Skip Buckley '80


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Save the Date: Sigma Chapter's Pig Dinner and Golf Outing: Saturday, April 14, 2012!

Save the date for Sigma Chapter's 128th anniversary Norris Pig Dinner:

Saturday, April 14, 2012
6:30 pm - Cash Bar/Fellowship Cocktail Hour
7:30 pm - Norris Pig Dinner

We're still confirming the venue, but we're hoping it's back at Windy Knoll Golf Club in Springfield.  We're also planning our annual Golf Outing that day, so please check back for details!


Skip Buckley '80
