Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Were you a Brother at Sigma Chapter in the 1970's? If so, then you're invited!

Sigma Brothers from the 1970's are INVITED to attend a cookout party by John Halley '74!  John is hosting an event:

Saturday, September 8, 2012
Cookout Party at John's cottage
In Bay View, Erie County on Sandusky Bay between Port Clinton and Sandusky
Wives, girlfriends, significant others...all invited!

Interested?  Then please contact John at:

Phone:  412.931.6000

Phi Gamma Delta is NOT for college days alone...especially at Sigma Chapter! Have fun, Brothers!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

In Memory of Brian Izzo

It is with deep regret that we report the death of Brian Izzo.  Marcus Hitt (Sigma '05) sent this note:

"Brian Izzo, a dear friend and brother, passed away on July 15, 2012. Brian pledged the Sigma Chapter in the spring of 2002. Brian, a fan of literature, read his Purple Pilgrim avidly. Yet, he was not what one would call the best pledge, but he grew into the role of being a great brother. His gift in life was enthusiasm - especially for the Fraternity. He continued his commitment to Phi Gam by helping with the colonization of a Delta colony at DePaul University in Chicago. 

He was a constant reminder in my life that Friendship is the Sweetest Influence. 

Proud, Marcus Hitt (2005)"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sigma Chapter's Spring Pledge Class of 2012

Welcome to the new initiated Brothers from the Spring 2012 Pledge Class!