Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sigma Chapter Hosts 400 People at Thanksgiving Dinner

Congratulations to our Undergraduate Brothers for successfully serving about 400 people at the chapter house on Monday, November 19th, at their annual Thanksgiving Dinner!  This annual event was expanded this year from inviting just Wittenberg students, faculty, and administrators, as the chapter made a concerted effort to invite residents of the greater Springfield community to enjoy a full, traditional Thanksgiving Dinner for just $5.00.  Students from Lincoln Elementary School in Springfield could attend for free.

Brothers from the chapter made presentations at Springfield-area churches in the days leading up to the event.  The net proceeds -- estimated to be at least $2,000 -- will be donated to the Springfield Promise Neighborhood, an area of the city under renovation serving economically-challenged families.

Sigma Chapter's new caterer, Campus Cooks, donated all of the turkeys, and their Chef, Josh, donated his considerable time preparing the meal.
This was a HUGE event for Sigma Chapter to pull off successfully.  CONGRATULATIONS, Brothers -- excellent job!


Skip Buckley '80
