Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sigma Chapter Achieves 17th Consecutive Semester Above All-Men's Wittenberg GPA

Congratulations to the Undergraduate Brothers at Sigma Chapter for continuing an important legacy in one of our most important fraternity values: Scholarship.

For the 17th CONSECUTIVE SEMESTER, our Sigma Brothers achieved a 2014 Fall Semester grade report that exceeded the Wittenberg All-Men's GPA (AMA).  Beginning with the Fall Semester in 2006, Sigma Chapter has set an unprecedented course of beating the AMA at Wittenberg.  That's 8-1/2 years straight - that's huge!

There is still room for growth, however, as our Sigma Brothers remain 4th on the list of Witt fraternities.  They have already set Scholarship as among their highest priorities going forward, with a chapter GPA goal of at least 3.0.  Here's the latest Fall Semester Wittenberg fraternity rankings:

The Spring 2015 Semester begins on Monday, January 12th, and our Sigma Brothers will begin in earnest their ambitious Rush plans of bringing in about 15 new pledges or so.  Let's hope that they prioritize Scholarship among the characteristics of prospective Rushees!

Well done, Sigma Chapter - excellent job!


Skip Buckley '80
