Saturday, December 14, 2013

New Sigma Cabinet Officers Begin Term

Left to right: Dylan Conroy '15, new Recording Secretary; Derek Walro '14, outgoing Recording Secretary; Matt Miely '16, new Treasurer; Greg Gernetzke '15, outgoing Treasurer; Kyle Jessup '15, new Corresponding Secretary; Ben Imlay '14, outgoing Corresponding Secretary; Bill Downing '15, outgoing President; Jack Mapes '16, new President; Chad Downing '13, Purple Legionnaire; Tyler Strong '14, outgoing Historian; and, Drew Morrison '15, new Historian.

Sigma Chapter's newly-elected officers completed their transition retreat on December 8, 2013, and were officially installed that same day.  Chad Downing ('13), Purple Legionnaire, and Skip Buckley ('80), facilitated the retreat.

The new Sigma Officers are:

President: Jack Mapes (’16)

Treasurer: Matt Miely (’16)

Recording Secretary: Dylan Conroy (’15)

Corresponding Kyle Jessup (’15)

Historian: Drew Morrison (’15)

The new officers will attend the Fiji Academy leadership-training convention in St. Louis in early January 2014 along with nearly 600 other Fiji Brothers.


Skip Buckley '80


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