Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sigma's 125th Anniversary: April 17-19, 2009

SAVE THE DATES! April 17 - 19, 2009! Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Wittenberg University will be celebrating its 125th anniversary with a weekend event-filled honor to our history, legacy, and future!

Our Annual Norris Pig Dinner will be held the evening of Saturday, April 18, 2009. Past Archon President Buddy Cote (2006-2008) will be our keynote speaker, and Gill Belles (Sigma '62) will be the Master of Ceremonies.

Check back to this SFAA Blog for details!

-- Skip Buckley (Wittenberg '80)
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association



JB said...

Skip, this is a great idea. What a historic year for Sigma!

Gil Belles said...

Let's have a huge turnout for the 125th Pig Dinner in April.

George Buckley said...

Thanks to JB and Gil for their thoughts! Great!

Anyone else?