Monday, August 1, 2011

SigFijiNet Update - August 1, 2011

I regularly send out a SigFijiNet email update to a couple hundred Sigma Brothers. Here's the latest message that I sent:

Sigma Graduate and Undergraduate Brothers:

A couple of updates…

1. International Fraternity Awards: The international PGD awards for 2010 were announced today, and Sigma Chapter did well! CONGRATULATIONS to our Undergraduate Brothers! Results:

a. Coon Plaque (best chapter newsletter publication): Third Place (tie)
b. Certificate of Academic Achievement (above all-men’s campus GPA): Fourth consecutive year
c. McCarty Proficiency Award (overall chapter administration/organization): Second consecutive year

2. Chapter House Opening: We’ll open the Sigma Chapter House on Friday, August 12th, for the Fall Semester. I plan to be there from August 12-14 to help check in Brothers and meet parents.

3. Wittenberg Fall Semester: Fall classes begin at Wittenberg on Monday, August 22nd.

4. Recruitment!: Our Undergraduate Brothers plan to take a fall pledge class, including some young men who were not able to pledge last January as freshmen. We’re hoping for a decent-size class of at least 5 or more men. If you have names of Rushees for the fall (sophomores or above) OR winter (freshmen and above) semesters, please send them to me and I’ll forward along to the Chapter. This will be a CRITICAL YEAR for Sigma, as we really need to take strong fall and winter pledge classes!

5. House Improvements: Thanks to the generous donations of many Sigma Graduate Brothers, we were able to complete some necessary renovation work on the chapter house this summer – gutter/roof repairs, concrete work, new drainage to prevent water seepage into the basement (avoiding the mold problem we encountered last fall).

6. New Purple Legionnaire: Kurt Meige (Sigma ’11), former chapter president and corresponding secretary, will take over as PL for Sigma later this month. A special THANKS to Nate Dreyfuss (Sigma ’10) for his service as PL last year – Nate is entering law school at Case Western Reserve this month.

7. Homecoming: Wittenberg’s Homecoming is scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd – save the date, and plan to stop by the Chapter House at 20 West Ferncliff!

8. Social Media: Don’t forget you can follow Sigma Chapter throughout the year at:

a. Chapter Web Site:
b. Chapter Facebook Page:!/group.php?gid=132150520171018&v=wall
c. Sigma LinkedIn Group:
d. Blog for Sig Fiji Alumni Association:

That’s it for now, Brothers. Thank you for your ongoing support of Phi Gamma Delta at Wittenberg!


Skip Buckley ‘80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association


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