Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Fall / Winter 2015 Sig Fiji Newsletter - Now Available!

The Fall / Winter 2015 issue of The Sig Fiji Newsletter is now available to download!  The hard copies were mailed a couple of days ago, so all Sigma Graduate Brothers should receive theirs in the mail soon.

Here's a quick summary of what is included in this issue:

- Plans for the Chase Gage Memorial Garden, and how you can help
- Details of the Pig Dinner on April 16th
- Mystery of the Grandfather Clock in the Front Lunge - Do YOU Know?
- Complete list of the Board of Trustees of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association
- Meet the 2016 Cabinet Officers
- Congratulations to FIVE Fall Pledges

The complete issue can be downloaded here:

Thanks, Brothers!

Skip Buckley '80


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