Friday, March 6, 2009

Register for Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner Weekend on April 17 - 19, 2009!

Sigma Brothers:

If not by now, you will soon receive your formal invitation to attend the festivities of Sigma Chapter's 125th Anniversary Pig Dinner over the weekend of April 17 - 19, 2009. In fact, you should receive TWO separate invitations!

Here's a brief re-cap of the weekend's activities:

Friday, April 17th:
6:00 pm - Informal get-together at Casey’s (formerly Yannucci’s, 2205 Park Rd., Springfield)
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!

Saturday, April 18th
10:00 am - Annual Meeting of the Sig Fiji Alumni Association Board of Trustees
(All Graduate Brothers are welcome to attend!)
12:00 pm - Buffet Luncheon – Chapter House
6:00 pm - Fellowship Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
7:00 pm - 125th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner: HPER Center, Wittenberg Campus
All Day - Open House at the Chapter!

Sunday, April 19th
12:00 pm - Third Annual “Fiji Event for a Cure” Charity Golf Tournament
(Separate registration required -- see invitation -- $100/Brother)

The registration fee for the 125th Pig Dinner is $60/Brother ($50 if you register by March 31st). The easiest way to register is to mail back your completed RSVP form with your payment. Some of you may be looking for an online option to pay, but we DON'T have that set up, yet! We've looked into PayPal as an available online payment option, but we don't have it ready.

So, to register, please send your completed form to:

Skip Buckley
Sig Fiji Alumni Association Secretary
114 Center Road
Streamwood, IL 60107

Please make checks payable to "Sig Fiji Alumni Association".

IF YOU NEED ANOTHER COPY OF THE INVITATION, please e-mail me a message at and I'll e-mail you a PDF version you can print out and mail.

Thanks, Brothers! Please alert other Sigma Brothers you know to this Blog!


Skip Buckley '80
Secretary, Sig Fiji Alumni Association


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